Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Moments of Inspiration

Here's a little something I had on my mind last night...

I don't know about anyone else but come 11-11.30pm I suddenly wake up, get inspired, get active and feel like dancing! (as some of my ex flatmates may already know). Ok so maybe the dancing comes from listening to my new Spacifix cd, which I highly recommend, but I come alive no matter what I'm doing.

Well I've turned to good old pen and paper to write this since I'm already in bed and the computer is too far away. The last week I've felt inspired to write but I've been a little too lazy (and didn't really want to write this but I'm going to anyway!)


Half the time when I write it's just updates or me being the silly little 22 year old I am at times, but I've had so much on my mind recently I have to write it down or my brain will explode. (Nice thought really). Before I start waffling again here goes...

Lately I've had some sleepness nights, tossing and turning with my mind going full bull, I know why....kind of. So after praying and reading a book by Joyce Meyer "When God, when?", I've come to the conclusion I need to have patience. Simple really, just patience. HAHA! It is so not easy to have patience. When I want something, I want it now. When I want to be somewhere, I want to be there now. When I don't understand things, I want to know the answer and why now. It is unbelievably hard to just sit still while the world goes around (watching everyone else get what they want) and wait for Gods timing.

Something else I read in the book was that lack of patience leadsto/breeds frustration. This is so true! I have been getting highly frustrated recently with different things in life, but I've got to find patience. If I don't, I know I'll do or say things I shouldn't and it would mean I wasn't doing it in Gods perfect timing and I'd be rushing things. Ultimately I wouldn't be getting the best for me, just a small portion of what I could have the full portion of.

So as much as I'd love to be elsewhere and have certain things, here I am in Invercargill learning patience and waiting...

A slightly less confused, Brooke


Anonymous said...

I suppose someone would should comment, so why not me. Not sure what "full bull" means, I thought it was meant to be full bore. Anyway I can't say you're alone with the tossing and turning in bed. I can't get to sleep these days, I think its because its hot and I'm missing dunedin. So much to think about. For me to get what I want, I just ask...seems to work. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Dear Brookiedoos,
hehehe i miss your dancin!! and, i do identify with you about frustration... and yet, i cant help feeling that as Joyce Meyer says, God will "reward us double for our trouble"-- hang in there and we will see the rainbow on the other side!
love ya